What is the difference between a great Atlanta Hair Salon and an average one?
We believe it is the word “commitment”. We are committed to being the very best Atlanta Hair Salon. Our staff is professional, creative and up to date on the latest trends. No matter if you are looking for the perfect cut, color or perhaps a Brazilian blowout, Mint Salon is the Hair Salon in Atlanta that you can trust.
NEW Health Before Beauty Protocols
Dear Staff and Guests,
MINT Salon has implemented these HEALTH B4 BEAUTY PROTOCOLS
to assure you remain healthy and beautiful.
1. Before you arrive for your appointment establish your personal salon account online at MINTSalon.net This touchless method will allow you to make your appointments, check in upon arrival, pre-book your next appointment (while with your stylist), check out and pay your service ticket, all directly from your phone!
2. Be sure to wear clothing that you would not mind if color, chemicals, or water were to come in contact with.
3. Immediately upon entering the salon,,, WASHY, WASHY!!! Disinfectant stations are located throughout the salon. Most sprayers will contain, alcohol, and aloe vera, or hydrogen peroxide, water, and baking soda. Be careful to spray only areas of self or clothing that these disinfectants will not harm or discolor. Please utilize these stations to disinfect throughout your service
1. Only one client per technician will be allowed in the salon at a time.
2. Upon arrival, please check-in using your online MINT salonware account. If you are not greeted curbside within a few minutes please call the front desk, 404-724-9669. A staff member will greet you in your car, take your temperature using a touchless device, and screen for exposure to COVID19, by asking a set of questions. 3. After screening you will be provided a fresh new mask. You must wear this mask throughout the service. Clients having facials will be exempt only during the service. 4. Sanitize your hands immediately upon entering the salon.
5. Each client will be provided a fresh disposable cape or gown to wear during their service.
7. Using your phone, during the service you and your stylist may access your MINT salonware account to pre-book your next appointment. You will also checkout utilizing your MINT salonware account.
All linen and disposable PPE will be handled appropriately. All items and areas used during the service will be disinfected immediately, as well as before being put back into use; i.e. finishing products.
We are confident these HEALTH B4 BEAUTY PROTOCOLS will keep everyone